All About Strictness Analysis (part 2)
December 30, 2018Welcome back! At the end of part 1 from December 41, I made a promise to implement a strictness analysis à la GHC with you.
Why would this be useful? In the last post, I argued that a rough understanding of how strictness analysis works helps to debug and identify the actual causes of missed unboxing opportunities and fix them with minimal effort.
So here it is, enjoy!
Since this is a literate markdown file, we need to get the boring preamble out of the way.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Strictness where
import Prelude hiding (const)
import Algebra.Lattice
import Control.Monad
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Map.Merge.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Debug.Trace
Compared to GHC’s Core IR, we will have a simpler, untyped core calculus with
bindings and if/then/else (instead of full-blown case expressions).
data Expr
= Var Name
| App Expr Expr
| Lam Name Expr
| Let Bind Expr
| If Expr Expr Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Name = String -- We assume names are unique!
data Bind
= NonRec (Name, Expr)
| Rec [(Name, Expr)]
deriving (Eq, Show)
Like in GHC, a program is just a list of top-level bindings. Also note that we allow recursive bindings, which means the analysis will need to do fixed-point iteration to reach a sound approximation of program semantics.
Next, we’ll define the lattice that will carry analysis information. Specifically, we will denote an expression by its strictness type.
By the way, this blog post is so long because I tried to fit everything in one literate Haskell file. Morally, this post should be split in two (or even three) parts: One discussing lattice ingredients and the other discussing how to actually implement the analysis, just in case you felt overwhelmed when looking at the scroll bar after scrolling the first time :). I’ll remind you to take a break later on.
For brevity, we will not include strictness on tuple components (resp. record fields), because that would blow up this blog post too much. But know that this approach extends straight-forwardly to records.
Strictness signatures
Without nested strictness on product types, is there even anything useful
to analyse for? Yes, there is! We can still record if a variable was evaluated
at all. There’s const
, for example:
const :: a -> b -> a
const a b = a
is strict in its first argument and lazy in its second. That’s easy
to see by evaluating const undefined 5
and const 5 undefined
So, in the language of GHC’s demand signatures, we want to summarise const
(usage demands elided). GHC will use this strictness signature at
every call site of const
to approximate the strictness behavior of const
without having to repeatedly analyse its right-hand side during analysis.
Call demands
Fair enough, but what about a function like twice
twice :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
= f (f x) twice f x
Since we don’t know anything about what strictness f
puts on its argument,
we would summarise twice
by the same signature as const
But we really want a call like twice (\x -> x + n) m
to be strict in n
Just knowing that we are head-strict in the lambda argument doesn’t cut it:
Evaluation will stop immediately since it’s already in weak-head normal form.
On the other hand, we can’t just interpret S
as ‘strict on the return value’
(what does that even mean?) to unleash strictness on n
within the lambda
body. Since const
has the same signature, we would also mark n
strict in
a call like const (\x -> x + m) 5
, which is incorrect:
const (\x -> undefined) 5 `seq` 42 == 42
There’s an unspoken assumption here: Strictness properties of some language
construct are always relative to an incoming evaluation demand, which is
head-strictness (the demand seq
puts on its first argument) unless stated
otherwise. E.g., under the assumption of head-strictness, a call like
const a b
is head-strict on a
and lazy in b
Note that twice
differs from const
in that it puts the result
of applying f
to one argument under head-strictness. In GHC’s strictness
language, this corresponds to a call demand of S(S)
. This is a strictly
stronger demand than S
, the demand const
puts on its first argument.
This has an important effect on our earlier twice (\x -> x + n) m
Knowing that the lambda expression is put under strictness demand S(S)
it is suddenly possible for the analysis to look inside the lambda
abstraction, paying with the outer call component to discharge the remaining
demand on the lambda body. In this way, the analysis detects that the
whole expression is strict in n
At the same time, analysing const (\x -> undefined) 5
head-strictness will only unleash a non-call demand S
on the lambda,
which is not enough to meaningfully analyse its body under any other
strictness than L
. This corresponds to our intuition that, relative
to a single evaluation (to head normal form) of our expression, the
lambda body may or may not be evaluated.
Free variables
You may have noticed that we didn’t really define yet what it means for a variable to be strict in some expression in which it occurs free.
Traditionally, a function f
is strict in (one of) its parameter if
it preserves nontermination, i.e. f undefined = undefined
There’s no way for the function to decide if its argument will blow up
when evaluated other than actually evaluating it, so it’s equivalent
to say that if f
is strict, then (either f = const undefined
or) it
evaluates its argument on every possible execution path.
How can we extend this to our intuitive notion of strictness in a variable
that occurs free in some expression? We can just capture that free
variable with a lambda and apply our original definition. So, when we talk
about the strictness of n
as it demanded in twice (\x -> x + n) m
, we
are actually talking about strictness properties of the function
\n -> twice (\x -> x + n) m
Our analysis will track free variables in an extra environment, mapping
s to the strictness demand they are put under.
Now might be a good time to take a short break (think part 2½). Or just keep reading while the above discussion is still fresh in your mind.
Putting the lattice together
Alright, so now we have everything in place to denote Haskell expressions in terms of their strictness properties.
As discussed above, expressions, most prominently variables, can be put
under a certain Strictness
, relative to an evaluation demand on their
surrounding expression:
-- | Captures lower bounds on evaluation cardinality of some expression.
-- E.g.: Is this expression evaluated at least once? If so, what is the
-- maximum number of arguments it was surely applied to?
data Strictness
= Lazy -- ^ Evaluated lazily (possibly not evaluated at all)
| Strict Int -- ^ Evaluated strictly (at least once), called with n args
| HyperStrict -- ^ Fully evaluated, a call with maximum arity
deriving Eq
instance Show Strictness where
show Lazy = "L"
show (Strict 0) = "S"
show (Strict n) = "S(" ++ show (Strict (n-1)) ++ ")"
show HyperStrict = "B"
The Show
instance tries to adhere to GHC’s syntax. You can see how call
demands S(_)
and regular strictness S
could be elegantly unified in this
formulation. I snuck in another constructor, HyperStrict
. You can think of
it as the strongest strictness possible. In our case, that corresponds to a call
with infinite arity.
Earlier, we were informally talking about how S
is a stronger demand than
. We can capture that meaning by providing an instance of SemiJoinLattice
which consists of defining a least upper bound operator \/
(also goes by
join or supremum):
instance JoinSemiLattice Strictness where
Lazy \/ _ = Lazy
/ Lazy = Lazy
_ \HyperStrict \/ s = s
/ HyperStrict = s
s \Strict n \/ Strict m = Strict (min n m)
like Strictness
, this is just a fancy name for max
“Hold on,”, I hear you complain, “I thought HyperStrict
was the greatest element?!
This is all backwards!”.
Answer with a quick detour on denotational semantics and static program analysis
Well, it’s customary in denotational semantics to assume that the bottom element of the abstract lattice corresponds to nontermination. So much, that Haskellers typically use the two terms ‘bottom’ and ‘nontermination’ interchangeably.
Now think of static program analysis, where every program point that evaluates some expression will put semantic constraints on its denotation. A conservative estimate of program semantics must be an upper bound to the all constraints at that program point over every possible program path.
Consider the contrived example if b then f 1 else f `seq` 42
each occurrence of f
generates a semantic constraint on mutually exclusive
code paths. While the first occurrence is a call with one argument, i.e.
denoted by Strict 1
, the second occurrence just puts f
under a rather
weak Strict 0
(i.e. head-strict) constraint.
What is the conservative estimate to strive for here? It’s the join of
Strict 1
and Strict 0
, so Strict 0
! Generally speaking, as we
discover more and more constraints f
is put under, its denotation will
climb up in the lattice. So, going up in the lattice means
‘more constrained’.
Note that there is also precedent of turning the lattice upside down and denoting the least constrained element by top. This view is adopted in the dragon book, for example.
Clearly, the least (or, bottom) element of the lattice wrt. to the above
join operator is HyperStrict
. This justifies the following instance:
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice Strictness where
= HyperStrict bottom
There’s some more boilerplate ahead for the dual semilattice, defining the greatest lower bound or meet or infimum operator and an associated top element:
instance MeetSemiLattice Strictness where
HyperStrict /\ _ = HyperStrict
/\ HyperStrict = HyperStrict
_ Lazy /\ s = s
/\ Lazy = s
s Strict n /\ Strict m = Strict (max n m)
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice Strictness where
= Lazy top
By the way, the syntactic resemblence to boolean operators is no accident: In fact, the boolean algebra itself is a very special kind of lattice.
Where would this be useful? If you squint a little and call the meet operator ‘both’ (for now), you can denote sequential composition with this.
Consider if b `seq` True then b 42 else 1
. What strictness does
this place on b
? Earlier, we used the join operator to combine
strictness from the then
and else
branch, corresponding to
mutually exclusive choices. That makes Strict 1 \/ Lazy = Lazy
for this example (note that b
wasn’t used at all in the else
branch!). Now, there’s also an interesting condition to be analysed,
which puts b
under Strict 0
strictness. The condition will
certainly execute in the same evaluation as either branch.
Thus, we can pick the stronger demand of either the condition or
the join of the branches, which is Strict 0 /\ Lazy = Strict 0
Great! That’s the bounded lattice for denoting variables. We can extend this denotation to expressions by means of an environment tracking the strictness demands on its free variables upon being put under a certain (i.e. head-strict) evaluation demand:
-- | A total map (a /function/) from @k@ to @v@ with useful
-- lattice instances.
data TotalMap k v
= TotalMap
def :: !v
{ points :: !(Map k v)
,deriving (Eq, Show)
lookupTM :: Ord k => k -> TotalMap k v -> v
insertTM :: (Ord k, Eq v) => k -> v -> TotalMap k v -> TotalMap k v
deleteTM :: Ord k => k -> TotalMap k v -> TotalMap k v
type StrEnv = TotalMap Name Strictness
is just a total map from Name
s to Strictness
We can just use its point-wise lattice instance and be done with it.
Boring implementations and lattice instances
lookupTM n env
fromMaybe (def env) (Map.lookup n (points env))
insertTM n s env| s == def env = env { points = Map.delete n (points env) }
| otherwise = env { points = Map.insert n s (points env) }
deleteTM n env = Map.delete n (points env) }
env { points
joinOrMeet :: (Eq v, Ord k) => (v -> v -> v) -> TotalMap k v -> TotalMap k v -> TotalMap k v
/\/) (TotalMap def1 ps1) (TotalMap def2 ps2) = TotalMap def ps
joinOrMeet (where
= def1 /\/ def2
def = a <$ guard (f a)
filterMaybe f a = Map.mapMaybeMissing (\_ -> filterMaybe (/= def) . f)
mmc f = Map.zipWithMaybeMatched (\_ a -> filterMaybe (/= def) . f a)
zmmc f = Map.merge (mmc (/\/ def2)) (mmc (def1 /\/)) (zmmc (/\/)) ps1 ps2
instance (Ord k, Eq v, JoinSemiLattice v) => JoinSemiLattice (TotalMap k v) where
/) = joinOrMeet (\/)
instance (Ord k, Eq v, BoundedJoinSemiLattice v) => BoundedJoinSemiLattice (TotalMap k v) where
= TotalMap bottom Map.empty
instance (Ord k, Eq v, MeetSemiLattice v) => MeetSemiLattice (TotalMap k v) where
/\) = joinOrMeet (/\)
instance (Ord k, Eq v, BoundedMeetSemiLattice v) => BoundedMeetSemiLattice (TotalMap k v) where
= TotalMap top Map.empty top
This is enough vocabulary to analyse simple expressions. But, as discussed above, we need argument strictness to express how a function or lambda uses its arguments. So here we go:
data ArgStr
= BottomArgStr
| TopArgStr
| ConsArgStr Strictness ArgStr
deriving Eq
instance Show ArgStr where
show BottomArgStr = "B,B.."
show TopArgStr = "L,L.."
show (ConsArgStr s argStr) = show s ++ "," ++ show argStr
instance JoinSemiLattice ArgStr where
BottomArgStr \/ s = s
/ BottomArgStr = s
s \TopArgStr \/ _ = TopArgStr
/ TopArgStr = TopArgStr
_ \ConsArgStr s1 a1) \/ (ConsArgStr s2 a2) = ConsArgStr (s1 \/ s2) (a1 \/ a2)
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice ArgStr where
= BottomArgStr
-- | This instance doesn't make a lot of sense semantically,
-- but it's the dual to the 'JoinSemiLattice' instance.
-- We mostly need this for 'top'.
instance MeetSemiLattice ArgStr where
BottomArgStr /\ _ = BottomArgStr
/\ BottomArgStr = BottomArgStr
_ TopArgStr /\ s = s
/\ TopArgStr = s
s ConsArgStr s1 a1) /\ (ConsArgStr s2 a2) = ConsArgStr (s1 /\ s2) (a1 /\ a2)
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice ArgStr where
= TopArgStr
consArgStr :: Strictness -> ArgStr -> ArgStr
Lazy TopArgStr = TopArgStr
consArgStr HyperStrict BottomArgStr = BottomArgStr
consArgStr = ConsArgStr s a
consArgStr s a
unconsArgStr :: ArgStr -> (Strictness, ArgStr)
BottomArgStr = (bottom, BottomArgStr)
unconsArgStr TopArgStr = (top, TopArgStr)
unconsArgStr ConsArgStr s a) = (s, a) unconsArgStr (
Within this framework, a function like error
would have strictness signature
ConsArgStr Lazy BottomArgStr
, expressing the fact that when it’s applied to
one argument, it will not necessarily evaluate that argument, but will lead to
an exception (which is the same as divergence, semantically speaking) if the call
expression would be evaluated. On the other hand, a lambda like \f -> f a
be denoted by an argument strictness like ConsArgStr (Strict 1) TopArgStr
What about a
? That’s tracked in the strictness environment, the other major
component of an expression’s strictness type:
data StrType
= StrType
fvs :: !StrEnv
{ args :: !ArgStr
,deriving (Eq, Show)
instance JoinSemiLattice StrType where
StrType fvs1 args1 \/ StrType fvs2 args2 =
StrType (fvs1 \/ fvs2) (args1 \/ args2)
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice StrType where
= StrType bottom bottom
-- | This instance doesn't make a lot of sense semantically,
-- but it's the dual to the 'JoinSemiLattice' instance.
-- We mostly need this for 'top'.
instance MeetSemiLattice StrType where
StrType fvs1 args1 /\ StrType fvs2 args2 =
StrType (fvs1 /\ fvs2) (args1 /\ args2)
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice StrType where
= StrType top top
-- | This will be used instead of '(/\)' for sequential composition.
-- It's right biased, meaning that it will return the
-- argument strictness of the right argument.
bothStrType :: StrType -> StrType -> StrType
StrType fvs1 _) (StrType fvs2 args2) =
bothStrType (StrType (fvs1 /\ fvs2) args2
unitStrType :: Name -> Strictness -> StrType
= StrType (insertTM n s top) top
unitStrType n s
overFVs :: (StrEnv -> (a, StrEnv)) -> StrType -> (a, StrType)
overFVs f ty let (a, fvs') = f (fvs ty)
in (a, ty { fvs = fvs' })
peelFV :: Name -> StrType -> (Strictness, StrType)
= overFVs $ \fvs ->
peelFV n
(lookupTM n fvs, deleteTM n fvs)
modifyFVs :: (StrEnv -> StrEnv) -> StrType -> StrType
= snd . overFVs (\a -> ((), f a))
modifyFVs f
deleteFV :: Name -> StrType -> StrType
= modifyFVs . deleteTM
overArgs :: (ArgStr -> (a, ArgStr)) -> StrType -> (a, StrType)
overArgs f ty let (a, args') = f (args ty)
in (a, ty { args = args' })
modifyArgs :: (ArgStr -> ArgStr) -> StrType -> StrType
= snd . overArgs (\a -> ((), f a)) modifyArgs f
So, strictness environment for free variables, argument strictness for arguments. A last ingredient is an environment that will carry strictness signatures for functions we analysed before:
type Arity = Int
type SigEnv = Map Name (Arity, StrType)
Any strictness signature is only valid when a certain number of incoming arguments is reached. We store this arity (as in unary, binary, etc.) alongside the strictness signature. Generally, assuming a higher arity can lead to more precise strictness signatures, but applies to less call sites. GHC will only analyse each function once and assume an incoming strictness demand correspond to manifest arity of the function, e.g. the number of top-level lambdas in the RHS of the function’s definition.
-- | Counts the number of top-level lambdas.
manifestArity :: Expr -> Arity
Lam _ e) = 1 + manifestArity e
manifestArity (= 0 manifestArity _
That’s it for the lattice! Have a break and enter part 3…
Let’s define the main analysis function for our core calculus:
analyse :: Expr -> StrType
We analyse an expression to find out what strictness it puts its free variables under if put under head-demand:
= expr Map.empty 0
expr :: SigEnv -> Arity -> Expr -> StrType
= \case
expr sigs incomingArity If b t e ->
0 b `bothStrType`
expr sigs / expr sigs incomingArity e) (expr sigs incomingArity t \
immediately delegates to a more complicated auxiliary function.
We’ll first look at the If
case here: If
will sequentially combine
(‘both’) the analysis results from analysing the condition under incoming
arity 0 with the result of joining the analysis results of both branches
with the arity that came in from outside. Very much what we would expect
after our reasoning above!
App f a ->
= expr sigs (incomingArity + 1) f
fTy = overArgs unconsArgStr fTy
(argStr, fTy') =
aTy case argStr of
-- bottom = unbounded arity, only possibly constrained by the type
-- of `a`, which we don't look at here.
HyperStrict -> expr sigs maxBound a
Strict n -> expr sigs n a
-- `a` is possibly not evaluated at all, so nothing to see there
Lazy -> top
in aTy `bothStrType` fTy'
In an application, the head will be analysed with an incremented incoming arity,
while the argument is only evaluated if it was put under a strict context.
This is determined by examining the strictness type of analysing f
The resulting types are sequentially combined (‘both’).
Note that bothStrType
is right-biased and will pass on the argument
strictness from fTy'
, which is exactly what we want. This will get clearer
once we examine the variable case.
Lam n body ->
bodyTy| incomingArity <= 0 = top
| otherwise = expr sigs (incomingArity - 1) body
-- normally, we would also store the strictness of n in the syntax tree
-- or in a separate map, but we are only interested in free variables
-- here for simplicity.
= peelFV n bodyTy
(str, bodyTy') in modifyArgs (consArgStr str) bodyTy'
This is somewhat dual to the application case. Lambdas ‘eat’ arity, so when we run
out of arity to feed it, we are not allowed to use analysis results from the body.
The only sensible thing to assume is a top
strictness type in that case.
The call to peelFV
will abstract out the strictness on the argument and we finally
cons that strictness onto the argument strictness of the lambda body’s strictness
type. Consider what happens for an expression like \f -> f a
: The lambda body
puts its free variable f
under strictness Strict 1
, so when we abstract over
, we remove it from fvs
and cons it to the lambdas argument strictness instead.
Var n ->
let sig = fromMaybe top $ do
<- Map.lookup n sigs
(arity, sig) <= incomingArity)
guard (arity pure sig
in bothStrType (unitStrType n (Strict incomingArity)) sig
The variable case will try to look up a signature in the signature environment,
check for its compatibility with the incoming arity and fall back to top
if any of the guards fail. The resulting signature is combined with
a unit strictness type just for this particular call site.
A call to const
with two arguments (so arity == 2
when we hit the variable)
would pass the arity check and return the <S,_><L,_>
(resp. S,L,..
in our
syntax) signature from above. The application case at any call site would then
unleash the proper argument strictness on the concrete argument expressions.
What remains is handling let-bindings. Let’s look at the non-recursive case first:
Let (NonRec (name, rhs)) body ->
= manifestArity rhs
arity = expr sigs arity rhs
rhsTy = Map.insert name (arity, rhsTy) sigs
sigs' = expr sigs' incomingArity body
bodyTy -- Normally, we would store how 'name' was used in the body somewhere
= deleteFV name bodyTy
bodyTy' in bodyTy'
Even without recursion, this is quite involved. First, we analyse the RHS
assuming a call with manifest arity. The resulting strictness type is then inserted
into the signature environment for the appropriate arity. The body is analysed
with this new signature environment. As rhsTy
is unleashed at call sites through
the Var
case, there is no need to bothStrType
the resulting bodyTy'
(and would even be wrong, consider the case where the binding is not used
Fair enough, now onto the recursive case. Typically, this is the case where static analyses have to yield approximate results in order to stay decidable. Typically, this is achieved through calculating the least fixed-point of the transfer function wrt. to the analysis lattice. Strictness analysis is no different in that regard:
Let (Rec binds) body ->
= fixBinds sigs binds
sigs' = expr sigs' incomingArity body
bodyTy = foldr deleteFV bodyTy (map fst binds)
bodyTy' in bodyTy'
That wasn’t so hard! It seems that a few more functions were abstracted into
, which is responsible for finding a set of sound strictness
signatures for the binding group. Let’s see what else hides in fixBinds
fixBinds :: SigEnv -> [(Name, Expr)] -> SigEnv
= toSigEnv stableTypes
fixBinds sigs binds where
names :: [Name]
= map fst binds
toSigEnv :: [(Arity, StrType)] -> SigEnv
= foldr (\(n, ty) -> Map.insert n ty) sigs . zip names
fromSigEnv :: SigEnv -> [(Arity, StrType)]
= mapMaybe (flip Map.lookup sigs) names fromSigEnv sigs
We’ll convert back and forth between the SigEnv
representation and the list
of points of the SigEnv
that are actually subject to change. toSigEnv
converts the points of the current binding group into a proper SigEnv
adding them to the incoming SigEnv
, which contains strictness signatures
for outer bindings.
stableTypes :: [(Arity, StrType)]
stableTypes fst
. head
. filter (uncurry (==))
$ zip approximations (tail approximations)
start :: [(Arity, StrType)]
= map (const (0, bottom)) binds
approximations :: [[(Arity, StrType)]]
= iterate iter start approximations
This part is concerned with finding the fixed-point of iter
, beginning with an
optimistic approximation start
, where all bindings are approximated by bottom
We have found a fixed-point as soon as approximations
becomes stable. This is
detected by stableTypes
, which we converted into the result of fixBinds
iter :: [(Arity, StrType)] -> [(Arity, StrType)]
= fromSigEnv (foldr iterBind (toSigEnv tys) binds)
iter tys
iterBind (name, rhs) sigs' let
= manifestArity rhs
arity = expr sigs' (manifestArity rhs) rhs
rhsTy = foldr deleteFV rhsTy names
rhsTy' in Map.insert name (arity, rhsTy') sigs'
Aha, so iterBind
is where the logic from the non-recursive case ended up!
The other functions were just a big build up to set up fixed-point iteration.
We compute iterated approximations of the signature environment until we hit
the fixed-point, at which point we have a sound approximation of program
Phew! That’s it. Let’s put our function to work.
f :: Expr
a, b, c,:b:c:_:_:f:_) = map (Var . (:[])) ['a'..]
exprs :: [Expr]
exprs If a b c
[ If a b b
, If a (App f b) (App f c)
, App (Lam "b" b) a
, Let (NonRec ("f", Lam "b" b)) (App f a)
, Let (Rec [("f", Lam "b" (App f b))]) (App f a)
, Let (Rec [("f", Lam "b" (If b c (App f b)))]) (App f a)
= forM_ exprs $ \e -> do
main print e
print (analyse e)
putStrLn ""
This is its output:
If (Var "a") (Var "b") (Var "c")
StrType {fvs = TotalMap {def = L, points = fromList [("a",S)]}, args = L,L..}
If (Var "a") (Var "b") (Var "b")
StrType {fvs = TotalMap {def = L, points = fromList [("a",S),("b",S)]}, args = L,L..}
If (Var "a") (App (Var "f") (Var "b")) (App (Var "f") (Var "c"))
StrType {fvs = TotalMap {def = L, points = fromList [("a",S),("f",S(S))]}, args = L,L..}
App (Lam "b" (Var "b")) (Var "a")
StrType {fvs = TotalMap {def = L, points = fromList [("a",S)]}, args = L,L..}
Let (NonRec ("f",Lam "b" (Var "b"))) (App (Var "f") (Var "a"))
StrType {fvs = TotalMap {def = L, points = fromList [("a",S)]}, args = L,L..}
Let (Rec [("f",Lam "b" (App (Var "f") (Var "b")))]) (App (Var "f") (Var "a"))
StrType {fvs = TotalMap {def = B, points = fromList []}, args = B,B..}
Let (Rec [("f",Lam "b" (If (Var "b") (Var "c") (App (Var "f") (Var "b"))))]) (App (Var "f") (Var "a"))
StrType {fvs = TotalMap {def = L, points = fromList [("a",S),("c",S)]}, args = L,L..}
The first two test-cases are concerned with testing the If
The next two expressions test App
lications and Lam
das, most importantly
correct handling of incoming arity. Note how this correctly infers that a
was used strictly in the fourth example. What follows is a non-recursive
let-binding, basically doing the same as the fourth expression.
The last two expressions show-case what this simple analysis is able to infer.
First, there’s a nonterminating let f b = f b in f a
which is correctly
denoted by bot
tom. This already hints that our analysis is able carry out some
inductive reasoning.
The last example then analyses let f b = if b then c else f b in f a
to find
out that both a
and c
are used strictly. Cool!
We defined a projection-based strictness analysis in the style of GHC that actually finds out useful things about our code!
I hope that in doing so, you got a feeling about what GHC can and cannot derive
about the performance critical code you write. Specifically, looking back at
the problem in part 1, you
should now be able to see why we needed a bang in printAverage
and how that
enables GHC to infer that the accumulator can be completely unboxed. This is
just by mechanically following the analysis rules above!
Granted, there are many details in which GHC’s demand analyser (which does strictness analysis) differs from the analysis above:
- Local, non-recursive thunk bindings have a different analysis rule than functions
- We ignore product demands like
for simplicity, but it’s straight-forward to extend - Various hacks and special cases that you can ignore in 95% of all cases
If you want to know more about these details, read the following papers:
- Complete, but dated report on the demand analyser. This is probably the best paper for having an overview of what GHC does today in 95% of all cases.
- Incomplete, but recent report on the demand analyser
- Complete, recent report on usage analysis (dual to strictness) within the demand analyser
I agree if you say that the documentation story is a little insatisfying. Anyway, the ultimate reference is always the code of the demand analyser within GHC itself.
If/when I come around to it, I can finally pitch you my
library for computing
fixed-points like we just did in a more principled way.
So stay stuned for part 4 :)
1 … 2017↩︎
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